2018年 ASG


Standing in an infill land in proximity to Asagaya station, this wooden tenement house gathers six apartments on a 3-story. Surrounded by houses on each side, we began to design 3 roots (outer stairs) growing from the building which will be the first visible element at the approach of the site. They connect a compact volume, which eases the integration into the neighborhood. By making the apartment accessible from the outside stairs, the living spaces could be enriched by playing with the floor differences. The interior offers a 9-story skip floor, divided into steps to delimitate the functions and privacy. The image of the tree has inspired the overall design, associating the epicenter of life through the trunk, the stairs and ladders to branches, and the bedrooms/lofts to the tree crown. A buffer zone borders the site, manifested by a dirt floor, a bench, an atrium, or a small edge of floor revealing a desk between two level. They both participate to smooth the boundaries of intimacy. On the living area, the loft partitions the space by a waist wall at a height of 900mm. The upper part overlooks the living room and the lower part serves as a personal space which its perception gets close to the furniture scale. Such proportions create an organization similar to a micro urbanity, where forms are used to ensure enough privacy within public space.

敷地面積 :158.26㎡(47.87坪)
延床面積 :178.95㎡(54.13坪)
1F 62.52㎡
2F 62.52㎡
3F 54.77㎡
用途  :長屋(6戸)木造 地上3階建

Site area : 158.26㎡
Total floor area : 178.95㎡
1F 62.52㎡
2F 62.52㎡
3F 54.77㎡
Use : Detached house (6 units) – wood – 3 story above ground
Year (completion) : 2018
Architects : BE-FUN DESIGN
Construction: Fukawa Home Co., Ltd.
Photographs : Hiroyuki Hirai